
Monday, April 13, 2015

Adventures in Spain, Morocco, Massachusetts and New York | 2015 and Beyond

Me! (Julian)
Can you believe it's already April? And this is my first blog post of 2015! Happy New Year!

Wow time really flies by, sorry for not getting an update out sooner. Quite a bit has changed and more changes to come; exciting times!

You may not have been aware of this, but I also co-operate/author another blog named Stillness in the Storm (SITS). If you've been following my story there, you already know I was very sick at the beginning of this year. Great discomfort came with the discovery of a blood clot in my right leg along with having strep throat for three weeks. The strep throat felt more uncomfortable than the clot believe it or not. In light of this came a change in diet, less sugar intake and I also took Daflon, a vitamin to counter the clot. Happy to report the clot (and the strep throat) has been cleared up, my leg has been feeling great! Staying healthy will be an on-going process.

Justin and Ayoub (in back)

I'm still a bit shocked that in January my laptop was stolen, straight out of the bedroom of my previous apartment! After that, and some other unsettling incidents with the landlord, Justin, Ayoub (our roommate) and I moved to a new apartment. Which meant cleaning, packing and hauling everything half a kilometer down the road about 10 times; not so bad right?

Since then, I have been able to get some shots of the surrounding area. There was a 2 month period where I became a night owl and so you will see I have a few more night shots from Martil than from the other places I have visited in Morocco.

Here are some of the photos from beautiful Martil:

Tons of Satellite TV

Sunrise looking over the Mediterranean towards Aouchtam

In front of Hotel Omeya
By the beach.
Sol Y Mar Restaurant 
A walkway under a building.
Directly in front of my apartment.
Alley to my apartment. 
Looking down Miramar from my apartment. 
Looking towards Tetouan.
Our kitchen window, with Justin looking out of the room.
Camels on the beach!
Cabonegro as seen from Martil

One of the major roadways in Martil.
Martil as seen from Cabonegro
One thing I don't normally post about, but feel like I should mention this time, is that Morocco seems to have a major issue with trash disposal. Trash can be found in the streets, sidewalks, beaches, and even the mountains. The official policy it seems is to burn everything, plastic included, leaving a terrible stench in the air if you are near enough to the burning.

Heres an example of what I am speaking about, this is from Martil near the Souk (market).

A friend, Diego, I met while in Aouchtam, came to visit us in Martil. He had been working on his land in Spain for three months and needed to get away so he came to stay for a short while. We all decided to go to Chefchaouen and see the snow-top mountains but unfortunately the weather was so bad we could not reach our destination that day. No worries though, the journey was fun. W
e stopped at a local ceramic shop along the way and I took some photos.

Diego ascertaining the price of some of those blocks you see on the right. 

On the road to Chaouen

Chefchaouen rooftops

Chefchaouen rooftops

Chefchaouen rooftops
Chefchaouen rooftops
A popular Mosque in Chefchaouen, especially to view the sunset/rise
Chefchaouen rooftops
Old and New Medina in Chefchaouen distinguished by the Blue and Red lights respectively. 

Click on the Panoramas from Chefchaouen below to enlarge them.

Not having a computer of my own has made it more challenging for writing, editing photos, creating images, etc. Though I have been pretty busy with the SITS blog and its accompanying social media presence; I've really enjoyed the expansion. Please take a moment to see all the new images I have either created or helped create with Justin by clicking on the image below

We started creating these images earlier this year and they really helped get information across in compact formats, linking back to corresponding articles. (Share at your leisure) All these things take time to create, sharing just one computer with someone else who equally needs its use is a lesson in time management. I'm excited to hopefully get another laptop once I return to the U.S.

Within the last four months I also had to visit Ceuta (twice) to renew my 90 day visa for Morocco, we just got back from the latest trip! This should be my final renewal since the current plan is to leave Morocco by end of June and fly to the United States. As you can see below, the border can be quite hectic at times.

At the Border of Ceuta

(Click to enlarge panorama)
 At the Port of Ceuta

Statue of Hercules

Night Shots in Ceuta

It's been over a year now that Justin and I have been in and out of Morocco. We've traveled to the United Kingdom and Spain along the way too. More importantly though I've met so many new friends/extended family members that have shared tons of new experiences with me. Those moments will be carried on for time eternal; good and bad.

Take a look for yourself!

Since living in Morocco I have met literally hundreds of new people. All stemming from different aspects of life and...
Posted by Julian Robles Photography on Sunday, August 24, 2014

When I traveled to Morocco it was with an intention to be a part of a sustainable community of like-minded individuals, I needed to try the experience for myself. This journey has broadened my perspective on what community means to me. Things didn't turn out as I expected (shocker, I know) but I'm thankful for it nonetheless! I now see myself as truly part of a global community; one people. Meeting individuals from so many different cultures really shows you their differences but also exemplifies the similarities; the unity. We really are in this together on space-ship Earth.  It does not matter where you are, what MATTERS (To make MATERIAL) is what you DO and how you BE.

We all have the capability to make a difference, it's necessary that we take actions in whatever way possible towards creating the kind of world we wish to live in. It's up to us, and we can do it.

Theres a famous story out there, its about Everybody Somebody Anybody and Nobody:

This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.  
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.  
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.  
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.  
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.  
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
You see? Its up to me, you and everybody. 

So what's next?

Justin and I are currently planning our trip to the United States, specifically to Massachusetts to visit family we have not seen in nearly four years. I am very excited about this as it will also give us an opportunity to connect with others in the New England area. Not to mention all the new photo opportunities, I LOVE the terrain there!

Photos of Massachusetts

There's no exact plan as to how this will turn out yet but the desire to continue the blogs, travels, gatherings, networking, and photography as a full time occupation seems so right. The thought of discontinuing this work has not even occurred to me. We believe our trip will take us from Morocco to London, London to Boston at the end of June or maybe even a direct flight from Casablanca.

By the way, any Phish fans out there??? I would LOVE to go see them in August at Watkins Glen, NY. If anyone is interested in being a part of that contact me and lets plan it out!

If you've never heard Phish before, click play!

SUPERBALL 9 PHOTOS Watkins Glen 2011

After being in New England we want to take a tour down the east coast to land in the Tampa Bay area and reconnect with our old friends, new friends, FAMILY, and other like-minded individuals there. Maybe that can include some meet-ups along the way?

I would love to visit DC for myself and take a look at all the symbolism! If you've never seen this material I suggest you check it out here: Secrets in Plain Sight

At this point we want to expand our network, continue sharing what information we know or come across that we feel is beneficial, through multiple mediums such as our blogs (this one and SITS), social media, radio shows, and hopefully live or video presentations as we have done in the past.

Heres a small introduction to the Lamplight Group we produced in 2011.

Please visit and Like Soul Talk Radio and Lamplight Group on Facebook to stay up to date with our coming projects.

Photos of some of us having a good time at the Thai Temple and at Fort Desoto Florida. 

Photo Adventures with the Lamplight Group. Photography by Julian Robles.
Posted by Lamplight Group on Monday, October 15, 2012

We also want to help others out there get exposure for their local projects and initiatives. Justin and I feel the more we can bridge people who can be of use to each other by simply getting the word out, through our network/social media, the more we have an impact towards that change I spoke about earlier.

So lets do it, contact me about any spiritual, permaculture, activism events of any kind, and alternative living/healing events happening from July to the end of this year that need help with exposure. If I can personally be at the event, maybe take some photos, that would be great. (WILLING TO TRAVEL) We have become a type of alternative media outlet with a reach of over 1.6 million at the time of this writing. Lets help each other out!

Some things to mention/Current Expenses

Right now, if you have enjoyed this and the SITS blog, and feel passionate about the causes we speak about, you can help me and Justin accomplish our goal of getting back to the United States. We are in need of plane tickets from Morocco to Boston which we believe should cost around $2000. Once there, we will need to sustain ourselves as well as get another computer. It's exciting just thinking about what the future holds and how we impact it right here and now!

If you are capable of helping support us you can make a donation to my PayPal account by clicking below:

Until next time!

Visit my  ONLINE STORE to purchase many of my artworks. If there is a particular print not shown that you would like to purchase please contact me directly and I will make it available. 

Thank you for your exchange!

'Like' me on Facebook and check out more of my photos.


  1. Thanks so much! Inspiring photography of such an interesting place. I've traveled some, but never there, so this is a treat. :-)

  2. Thanks Julian for all your hard work. You are such a kind and caring soul. I watched Dan Winter's video last night and was truly amazed. I just finished watching Patty Greer's video on crop circles. It is incredible how the two are related. Is this the answer to how everything in the universe works? Now to just figure out how I can spin myself fast enough to travel anywhere. Ah Ha! Side note- Dolores Cannon was truly a remarkable human. She will be greatly missed.

  3. Best Travel Morocco tours can be happening with Morocco Xcursion.You don’t need to plan anything; you just have to select what excites you more and book them on the spot.
