
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Transcendent Explorer on Etsy - My Online Store

I'm excited to announce that my online shop is finally OPEN!

It has been some time now that I have wanted to make my images available on mediums for anyone to be able to take home or offer someone as a gift.

When I lived in Tampa, FL I had a grand opportunity of working with a woman named Pat Sanchez who had a store named Everything Eclectic. Through this wonderful individual I was able to have my artworks displayed in multiple venues around Ybor City; a part of Tampa's National Landmark Historic District. However I have never been able to offer them online and all across the United States... until now!

You can find my online store on Etsy by clicking on this link here.

What I have done, and plan to continue to do, is take the images that I or others like the most and make them available in my store.
How do I know which images are liked the most? 
I determine which images are selected by either "likes" on my Facebook page or by comments left by you! If there are any images you see here on my blog or on my Facebook "Like" page you can contact me at my email: and I would be more than happy to make it available for you.

Just title the email PRINT REQUEST and include a link or description of the image you want made available for purchase.

With Etsy and Nations Photo Lab I can now upload from anywhere in the world and have the prints, canvases or any other medium delivered to your doorstep. I will be working on making this service internationally available as soon as humanly possible; at present prints can only be delivered to the United States.

Value for Value

As it currently stands the way I make "my living" is through the exchange venue provided by Etsy. With the purchase of one of my prints on canvas, you help feed, clothe and provide a roof (or tent) over my head. It also allows me to be able to travel to new locations around the world. Thank you in advance for supporting this blog and helping me share my passion with all of you!

The goal with my online store is to provide a quality product you will be proud to have in your home/work or give as a gift for another. If for any reason you are dissatisfied please contact me so we can remedy the situation. You can send me an email at:

I look forward to the continued value exchanges! Share this!

"Like" me on Facebook by clicking on the image below.

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