
Thursday, June 26, 2014

About this Blog - Transcendent Explorer

My Story 

Julian Robles is my name, a human being born February 19, 1988 to a Puerto Rican family in San Diego, California. As a child I lived and traveled to many places including Puerto Rico, southern United States, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain, and now Morocco where I currently am. My parents have always painted, sparking my interest in landscapes and far away lands, as well as the beauty of the dance between light and dark.

My life has brought me into a spiritual journey, broadening and expanding my perspective. Through my own experience and synchronicity, or as some would say "coincidence" (a matter of perspective), I've chosen to follow my passions for photography, travel and spirituality. In hopes of sharing my experiences with you and the world, as well as developing an avenue for value exchange I have created this blog.

One of the toughest choices I ever made, was saying yes to my passion and no to the voice of fear saying it is too risky.

by Shel Silverstein
We all come across this challenge, do we take the actions others say we should? Work at the places everyone else says is the best? Go to the school our parents told us to go to? Vote for the person most popular on TV? These questions burned inside me for years while I kept doing what I thought was right, because everyone else said it was right for me. Finally I became very sick with meningitis to the point where I felt as if I was facing my own death. This experience really made me rethink my life and is one of the major turning points in life for me thus far. It was then that I decided I needed to seriously readjust my life and belief systems. Which in turn has led to this blog, amongst the other projects I have been apart of. The work/fun I do now.

Transcendent Explorer

Transcendent Explorer is a personal blog, showcasing my photography. A place to share my travels and experiences with the world.

Eiffel Tower, Paris, FR 2006

The title for my blog, Transcendent Explorer, came from one of those synchronistic moments. I was reading the book The Secret Language of Birthdays, and of course I read mine. The passages were so spot on to my perspectives and feelings on life that I want to share this as part of the story of the creation of this blog.

Click on this Image for detailed description.

Everyone has their own path and their own journey in this world. I want to be able to provide a venue for an energy exchange with all who resonate with my work. With a purchase of my photography, or working together on a project you suggest; from my life to yours.

From Chefchaouen Mountain 2014

Value Exchange 

Visit my  ONLINE STORE to purchase many of my artworks. If there is a particular print not shown that you would like to purchase please contact me directly and I will make it available. Thank you for your exchange!

If you feel so inspired, you can help me keep this blog going financially, via PayPal. Every donation of any amount is greatly appreciated, I value your energy exchange.
Any funds sent are not qualified for US tax deductions.

"Like" me on Facebook by clicking on the image below.

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